In recent years, isometric muscle testing has gained popularity in the medical and fitness industries. It provides a current and future assessment opportunities of a patient's isometric force generation capacity for specific muscle groups or exercise patterns. Numerous studies have shown that isometric muscle strength can predict future performance, injury risk, and health outcomes. Poor isometric strength has been associated with various conditions, including muscle and joint pain, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and osteoporosis.
Despite these findings, medical organizations, doctors, and fitness professionals have been slow to adopt and promote isometric strength and conditioning strategies for their patients and the public at large. They often lack an understanding of the force and application involved in isometric strength training, instead blindly recommending traditional exercises that focus on dynamic movements.
Take, for example, the fact that there are over 100 million adults in the United States of America living with hypertension. Here is the conclusion of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis published in the Mayo Clinics Proceeding Journal in 2014:
“Isometric resistance training lowers systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean arterial pressure. The magnitude of effect is larger than that previously reported in dynamic aerobic or resistance training. Our data suggest that this form of training has the potential to produce significant and clinically meaningful blood pressure reductions and could serve as an adjunctive exercise modality.”
With hypertension being the leading cause of heart disease and stroke, you would think that the medical establishment would be screaming this from the mountaintops throughout the world. Sadly, the frontline medical doctors and fitness professionals prescribe dynamic aerobic and resistance training as the primary means of combating hypertension.
This overt bias towards dynamic exercise and the lack of understanding towards isometric strength training have unfortunate health and financial consequences for patients. They measure isometric force output in their testing procedures but then prescribe dynamic exercise to build strength and health, assuming that isometric and dynamic muscle strength are the same. However, multiple studies have shown that dynamic strength training is not effective at improving isometric strength. Conversely, isometric strength training is as effective as dynamic exercise for building dynamic strength and has been found to be approximately 200% more effective than dynamic strength training for increasing isometric muscle strength. The key takeaway is that isometric strength training is necessary for effectively building isometric muscle strength to combat many of today’s most unwanted health conditions.
The emergence of Isophit as the world's leading isometric strength training platform further supports the importance and need of this training method. Isophit now helps thousands of daily users across 34 countries improve their isometric muscle strength and, subsequently, their health and quality of life. Isophit proudly supplies 20% of the NBA and has gained recognition as Hollywood's newest celebrity workout.
Huge shoutout to Isophit family member Gabriel Enriquez for all the love and support over the years.
If you have any questions regarding the article or would like to learn more about Isophit and its benefits for improving functional health and performance, please visit our website or feel free to email me at
Yours in Isometric Strength,
Brad Thorpe
CEO / Inventor
Isophit: Activating Muscle is the Key to Elite Athletic Performance.
Isophit: Building Tendon Stiffness to Jump Higher